Research-driven approaches to improve quality and costs across the continuum of back pain.


Counting the Benefits for Patients and Payments

Operation FastBack uses our extensive research credibility and proven clinical plans to help providers comply with evidence-based management of back pain while strengthening their business model and market presence. Each component improves non-surgical spine program profitability and efficiency while actually decreasing whole-system costs by preventing medical misadventure and speeding case closure.

As a primary example, the “FastBack Emergency” program, developed with the Emergency Rooms at the University of Michigan, St. Joseph’s Hospital in Ann Arbor, and Mercy Port Huron in Michigan, resulted in an 80% drop in bounce-backs (i.e. repeat visits to the ER), 40+% drop in opioids and benzodiazepenes prescribed, and a doubling of detection of dangerous causes.

The benefits of our programs are many: